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As a member of the Forest Childcare Association I practice the Five Principles of Forest Childcare and endeavour to put these principles into practice at my childcare setting:


The Five Principles of Forest Childcare


1.       The Forest Childcare Provider takes the children to an outdoor environment normally once a week.

2.       Forest Childcare outings are made as safe as is reasonably possible by the childcare provider while encouraging                     children to learn to take their own risks.

3.       Forest Childcare outings are taken all year long, so children go outside whatever the weather.

4.       The Forest Childcare Provider offers a mixture of planned and child-led play activities to the children.

5.       The Forest Childcare Provider is first aid certified.


If you would like to read more information about Forest Childcare, I can provide you with a link to the website or you can borrow my guide.

Forest Childcare means that we go outdoors on an outing here at least once a week whatever the weather. So please can you provide me with the following items to keep here:

  • A minimum of one complete set of spare clothes

  • Wellie boots

  • Sun cream

  • Sun hat

Please be aware of the weather and when you drop your child off in the mornings always assume that we will be going outdoors that day. This means that when you drop him off on rainy days please can you send a rain coat or splash suit. And in the winter please bring gloves, a hat and a warm coat. I will let you know if there are occasions where your child will need extra items (swim gear for example). 

                You will need to sign my permission forms to say that you are happy for me to take your child on regular outings, and to take him/her out in my car. If we go on a special outing I will send home a Special Day Trip Permission Form for you to sign.

Yours sincerely,





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